Evaluation Tools and Examinations

The evaluation of a student is reached by a reasoned judgment made by the subject teacher on the student’s performance. Competence or grasp of knowledge or skills, or the lack thereof, is the sole basis for their marks. Effort and interest are not measures of academic performance (though they ordinarily occasion good performance). You undergo an evaluation process scheduled during a week around the middle of the term. These evaluations are usually departmental, but the department may opt to allow teachers to give their own evaluations or hold them during the week immediately before or after the regular schedule, or to waive formal written examinations in favor of papers.
28 LIFEACADEMIC Exams are given throughout the semester. Midterm examinations are not a general practice anymore, although the majority of teachers still give them. Final examinations are held during the last week of the term. There is normally less flexibility for the final examinations in the matter of exam schedules or types.
Although greater weight is ordinarily given to the final examination mark, the percentage of this mark with respect to the final grade varies among the different departments.