Article VII

    Section 1. Any amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member of the student body by submitting a formal petition to the COR.
    Section 2. The COR shall organize itself into a Constitutional Convention, annually, if amendments to this Constitution shall be considered. This Constitutional Convention shall be completed not later than February 1.
    Section 3. If the proposed amendment is deemed valid by a two-thirds majority vote of the COR, then a referendum shall be held.
        1.1 The referendum shall take place within twenty to forty days following the Convention.
        1.2 The COR shall duly inform the student body of such referendum at least fifteen days before it is held.
    Section 4. The COR, as a standard operating procedure, shall designate an ad hoc commission responsible for organizing the Constitutional Convention and informing the student body of the referendum within the specified time stipulated in Section 3.2 of this article, and organizing the referendum. The ad hoc commission shall be dissolved only after the referendum unless otherwise mandated by the COR.

    Section 5. An amendment may be passed with a two-thirds majority of votes cast in a referendum in which at least 75% of the student population cast its votes.