The Guidance Center


The Guidance Center provides services to students who need assistance in thinking through their educational, vocational, and personal issues. It provides learning experiences, counseling, and psychological services to help you make the most of your time at the University. It is also a venue for you to sort out your concerns in order to enhance your well-being. The guidance counselors may identify cases that warrant referrals to different health service personnel, in case these concerns are obstacles to your anticipated development or adjustment. You are offered in-take hours, counseling options, therapy group sessions, etc. Whatever form guidance may take, you are treated with respect, and are seen as an individual with unique strengths and limitations. The Guidance Center protects each individual’s right to privacy by keeping all its information and appointments with students confidential. 

You may visit the Guidance Center anytime, from Monday to Friday, at the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th floors of the CAS building.