the Retention Policy

The retention policy is an ACADEMIC STANDARD which determines the academic competence of a student to meet the more rigorous demands of the higher levels of the University Program. To be retained in the University, students have to obtain the required weighted average (WA) as indicated in the succeeding paragraphs.

To be retained in the University:

  1. Freshmen should attain a weighted average (WA) of 2.75 or better for all subjects taken during the 1st year.
  2. Sophomores should attain a WA of 2.50 or better for all subjects taken during the 2nd year, including required subjects taken for the first time during the summer of the previous academic year.
  3. Juniors are separated from the University if they incur grades below 3.0 in 30% or more of the total academic units they enrolled in during 3rd year, including required subjects taken for the first time during the summer of the previous academic year. Please note: The units for subjects in which an Incomplete (INC) grade is received are included in the total units enrolled (denominator) but not in the total units failed (numerator).
  4. Seniors who intend to go to the 5th year must attain a weighted average of at least 2.00 for all their 4th year subjects, unless the program they are enrolled in requires a higher WA. Please make sure you know the required WA of the program you chose.
  5. Seniors who do not intend to go to the 5th year need only to pass their subjects in the 4th year in order to graduate.
  6. Seniors in the 5th year of their masteral program need only to pass their subjects in order to graduate.


The Retention Policy is strictly enforced.
The retention averages are computed at the end of the second semester.


Subjects Included in the Weighted Average (WA) for Retention

a. Only academic subjects are included in the computation of the WA.
b. PE, IPD, NSTP, and APEC Foreign Language courses are not included in the computation.
c. Previously failed subjects (remedial subjects) re-taken during summer are not included in the computation.

d. Previously failed subjects (remedial subjects) re-taken during the first or second semester are included in the computation.
e. Required subjects (non-remedial subjects) taken for the first time during the summer will be included in the computation of the WA for the succeeding year.
f. A passing grade for a subject which you have previously failed within the year (or during the previous summer, as in e.) does not replace your previous failing mark (3.50). Both marks are included in the computation of the WA.


To Compute Weighted Average for Retention

a. For each academic subject you have taken during the year (see criteria above), multiply the number of credit units by the corresponding grade;
b. Add all the points and get the total; and
c. Divide this total by the total number of credit units of all the academic subjects you have taken during the year.