Retention Policy for the EM Program

For Freshmen: You are automatically separated from the EM Program if, by the end of the first semester, you fail 9 units from the total unit load for the first semester; or if, by the end of your first year, you incur failing grades (3.50) in 20% or more of your total unit load for the first year.((For 2nd Year to 4th Year: You are automatically separated from the EMP if, by the end of a particular semester, you incur failing grades (3.50) in 20% or more of your total cumulative unit load as of the end of that particular semester.
Here is an example. A freshman obtained the following grades for the school year:

1st Semester

Subjects Grade Units
Eng 1 2.00 3
Fil 1 2.50 3
Nat Sc1 3.50 3
EMPE 01 2.50 3
Philo 1 3.00 3
PDS 1A 2.00 1.5
Math 1 2.75 3
EMPE 1 2.00 2
TOTAL   21.50


2nd Semester

Subjects Grade Units
PDS 1B 2.00 1.5
Theo 1 2.50 3
Eng 2 2.25 3
Fil 2 3.00 3
Math 2 3.50 3
ACF 1 3.50 3
Mgt 1 2.00 3
EMPE 2 2.25 2
TOTAL   21.50

The total number of units enrolled in for the first year is 43 units. 20% of 43 units is 8.6. The student in the example above got a grade of 3.50 in 9 units. So, the student will no longer be admitted for the following school year.